Art Therapy
Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses the artistic process to promote a person's emotional, mental and physical well-being.
It is based on the principle that the act of creating artistically, whether through drawing, painting, sculpture, music, theater, dance or other forms of artistic expression, can help to explore emotions, resolve inner conflicts, enhance self-awareness and promote personal growth.
Here I offer experimental, immersive and perforative Art Therapy sessions, mixing photography with painting.
For further information: stolberg.leonie@gmail.com
I invite you to immerse yourself in the very essence of art, to let yourself be carried away by your sensations, the shapes and colors that each body composes.
As a photographer, I've fallen in love with the idea that every being is a living work of art, a canvas in perpetual evolution. ( About )
The world of social networking has led us into a frantic dance where the perfect image reigns supreme. However, behind every captured moment lies a much richer, more complex and fascinating reality.
I'm a firm believer in the power of self-acceptance through artistic exploration, and I've experienced it myself through experimentation with my body and sensations.
With this in mind, I offer you a unique experience, where painting becomes the language of your essence, and photography the moving testimony of this dialogue between you and your body.
At the heart of these sessions, we plunge into a journey where every curve, every nuance, every expression becomes a visual narrative, a celebration of your singularity. Painting then becomes the fusional link between your inner self and the outside world, allowing you to express yourself in a profound and authentic way.
It's an experience imbued with kindness and gratitude towards our bodies, the canvas on which our dialogue is drawn.
Dare to dive into this sensory and introspective adventure, where photography and painting become powerful tools for exploring, honoring and celebrating the wonderful work of art that you are.
Please bring a towel and a nice, feel-good playlist!
Léonie Stolberg
#ArtTherapy #SelfAcceptance #ArtisticExploration